Angelic Channel, Shamanic Healer, Author & Life Coach
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Evolving into Ourselves

May 23, 2017 by gerry


Hi My Worldwide Family,


I am really enjoying to have this weekly opportunity to reach out to you and share, what I hope is, some inspirational information that you can take into your week to change it for the better!

This week I wanted to talk a little bit about something that Margaret shared with one of you in a recent reading. She said that often we look upon the changes that are happening in our lives – especially the big ones – as transitions. We see things always having endings and beginnings – but in fact, she says that all we are doing is EVOLVING! If we take the time to look at all of the experiences of our lives we will come to see that as diverse as they might seem, each one leads into the next and brings us experiences that help us to better understand and navigate this next phase of our lives.

We are constantly changing – constantly growing and constantly bringing that information back to our higher selves so that the next generation is already equipped with much of the knowledge it will need. Do you think it is an accident that a 4 year old understands how to program your cell phone better than you do? They came in prepared for next phase of evolution.

Here is a little hint about how you can start to discover how your life is evolving: Grab a piece of paper and look at your life in five year segments. Write down some of the key events and people who influenced your life during each five year block (both in what you might perceive as a good and bad way). What were your greatest accomplishments and challenges? Notice how your family, school, friends, employment, relationships and even your spiritual beliefs have evolved. You will see that everything in your life contributed to that evolution and to who you are today. Sometimes the challenges contributed the most!

One of keys to happiness – according to Margaret – is starting from the vantage point that right now, right in this very moment, you are exactly where you need to be to move on to what could be a magical point of your evolution. It starts by seeing today from the perspective of gratitude and joy! If you look at the segments of your life you can see how you got here and by focusing on what things in your life – thus far – have brought you the most passion, balance and joy – you can have a better idea of how to move forward.

This has even been influencing the way that Margaret and I have been communicating with and hoping to serve all of you. In the beginning I channeled Margaret through hand written letters and then typed letters. It actually was only five years ago that I began to give her a voice to do what we do today and only a little over a year since I gave up my full time job to do this as my full-time passion and purpose! In looking at what we are doing, Margaret and I are constantly learning about how we can best serve you and still – as we try to teach all of you – create a balance between work and other parts of life! Creating that balance for me and my family was also an important part of my most recent evolution and I will speak more about that in next week’s newsletter!

Evolution can mean re-creation and for that reason we are re-creating how we can best serve you and bring a consistent service method that will still allow us to be accessible and affordable to all of you – while moving away from pricing specials. In fact, we will begin to present to you totally different kinds of Specials that are New and Unique services – not simply discounts.

Both Margaret and I feel confident that our evolution is going to bring greater ease to everyone! 

Have an amazing week everyone, sending you lots of love,


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